Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Well, I went to visit my Sales Rep on Saturday...she told me that the building permits wouldn't be in until February.  My wife wasn't happy one bit.  Because this pushes the expected closing around late April early May. With the baby on the way, she wanted to be in the house.  I feel her empathy. So currently they have 15 additional home to build plus the model, which they don't have permits for as of yet.

To another topic, about a month ago we meet with CV Security, to discuss security options and electrical wiring and pre-wire for home theater. They tried to sell us the vacuum cleaner that is integrated into your home.  Too expensive to justify the cost for me. To protect my home and my family I went with there best option at a fair price.


  1. Congratulations James!

    Welcome to the Ryan Homes Family Blog Land where you will learn a lot and grow a lot as you build your new Convington. I look forward to watching your journey.

    Please visit us on our site at and click the join this site button to follow our journey too.

    Our story is similar...we visited many builders and looked at a host of floor plans and the Rome became our new home. We are building in the Bowie, Maryland area.

    I do understand how you all may be feeling right now. My husband and I spent 10 months waiting before they broke ground. We are so excited to be closing on January 11.

    Hang in there! The time is going to fly by once the building starts. In the meantime, I would read read read these blogs and start packing.


  2. Thanks Nadase, I check for the permit almost everyday...

  3. Update: now 18 homes, plus the model.

  4. Update...permita came in on March 15


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